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  • How can you assist me?

    When it comes to professional papers such as theses, essays, research and other educational papers, we are the the writing gurus! We only hire professional writers with extensive experience, who hold a Master’s or PhD degree. Our writers are on standby and ready to cover any topic, within a real timeline. As soon as one of our customers places an order, we analyze the topic and assign a writer with the required skillset. We help people who do not have enough time for paper writing every day. We have been completing students’ and scholars’ orders for more than ten years, guaranteeing high quality papers and customer anonymity. Feel free to contact us for more details!

  • How much time do you need to write my paper?

    We work with both urgent and regular orders. Orders can be completed in:
    8 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, 3 days, 5 days, 7 days and 14 days.
    If you know you need our assistance, don’t waste time! The more time you give us to complete the assignment, the better chance we have of writing a high quality, professional paper before the deadline arrives. If we feel we cannot complete the order in time, we will contact you by phone or email with possible solutions or recommendations.

  • Will you contact me when my paper is ready?

    We always keep our customers updated on the progress of their orders. When the paper is completed, we send an email with the paper attached to the address you provide during the order process. When you receive a confirmation email, the paper is ready to download.

  • What information do I need to send ViciPapers?

    By default, our writers will gather the required data, statistics and research. Some orders provide very little information, and in those cases, writers may contact the customer and ask for additional information. Writers may request workbooks, scientific notations, articles or other materials provided in the course which may help them to complete the paper. Customers with very specific topics usually provide all necessary details when submitting an order. This practice is highly appreciated because we want to provide our customers with the highest quality of completed work. Each order is unique, so the more information, details and requirements about your assignment you provide, the better we can do!

  • How experienced is my writer?

    As soon as you submit an order, we will thoroughly review and analyze it. When we understand the requirements, we’ll assign the best writer, considering the topic of the paper. We will only assign a writer who will meet all the requirements and follow all instructions within the deadline. All of our writers have earned a Master’s or PhD degree and significant writing experience. They take pleasure in writing papers and completing tasks every day!

  • How can I get in touch with my writer?

    We use a Customer Relationship Management system, which allows the customer and writer to communicate 24/7. Once you post an order, a writer will be assigned to your paper. The CRM is web based, so all messages sent and received are in real time. Before starting an order, you writer will clarify all requirements to be sure you are on the same page. You will also have an opportunity to monitor the writing process. Our customer support will keep you informed about the status of your project if your writer cannot respond.

  • What if the completed assignment does not fulfill all my requirements?

    We always strive to meet all of our customers’ requirements, but if the assignment is completed incorrectly, we will make any necessary changes to the paper. Customers may ask for free revisions within 10 days after your order’s fixed deadline. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the paper, we can properly revise the paper or assign a new writer to redo your assignment. We always do our best to ensure that each order ends with a smile!

  • Why should I use your writers to complete my paper?

    Our aim is to reach each customer’s satisfaction. We always do everything in our power to meet all order requirements before the deadline. We strive to provide high quality work for all orders, including urgent orders. All of our customers to date have been satisfied with our service standards, which results in repeat orders and long-term relationships, and we are happy that we can assist students and scholars in their research, essay and thesis writing. Or staff consists only of high-caliber professionals. Our managers are responsible and polite, and our writers are well-versed in technical, medical, juridical and many other spheres. Our prices are competitive, reflecting only the required scope of work.

  • I need a huge paper with a short deadline. Can you help me?

    When starting any project, we guarantee that there will be a high quality finished product; however, we can only be sure of a satisfactory end result when we have enough time to meet all the order requirements. Our ground rules do not allow us to risk project quality if we see that the deadline is unrealistic. A minimum deadline of 24 will be needed to start any project. However, there can be some exceptions. Please contact the support team with your assignment details to find out more!


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